Safeguarding is of paramount importance. Our safeguarding ethos for Progression Services:
Provide a positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes social, physical, spiritual and moral development of the individual young person.
Provide a nurturing environment that will help young people feel safe and respected and that will enable them to talk openly and feel confident they will be heard.
Both mental and physical health are relevant to the safeguarding and welfare of young people.
All adults have a full and active part to play in protecting young people from harm.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead plays a pivotal role of support for young people within our care. They work in close partnership with young people, parents/carers, school staff, external professionals and agencies and other professionals to ensure the welfare of all young people and achieve the best outcomes for all.
Our Safeguarding policy and the accompanying procedures have been developed in accordance with statutory guidance, local safeguarding procedures and also informed by Autism friendly best practice: National Autistic Society Safeguarding People on the Autistic Spectrum