Our Impact

Young person referred for disruptive behaviour

“I’d mess around because I couldn’t read and spent all my time in isolation. Now I’m working one-to-one and actually learning.”

Young Person

Young person referred for non-attendace

“I’ve always hated school and I stopped going because I was so far behind so there was no point. Now I work with you three days a week and do construction the other two days so I’m actually going to get what I need to get into college.”

Young Person

Young person whose needs couldn’t be met due to staffing

“He’d regularly be out of lessons, setting the fire alarm off and generally causing a lot of disruption. We were short staffed and were struggling to meet his needs. The time he spent with Progression Services really helped him work through some of the things that were going on for him outside of school at the time and now he’s back and seems like a different person. Long may it last!”


Young Person referred for preventing others from learning

“Being a parent, I often remind staff that if what we are doing isn’t good enough for our own child then it isn’t good enough for anyone else’s. It’s great to finally work with an alternative provision that I would happily use for my own children; they do some fantastic work supporting individuals to re-engage in education.”

Deputy Headteacher

Young Person transitioning from Alternative Provision to mainstream

“When absence meant we didn’t have the staff to support one of our students transition to their new school, Progression Services stepped in. They quickly got to know the individual and supported them in a way that helped them be successful.”

Assistant Headteacher

Young person referred for non-attendance

“The progress he’s made in the short time you’ve been working with him is huge. He’s now actually attending school. Thank you so much!”
